1. So do you read literature? 2. Yeah. 3. Placated and ventilated 4. In the room’s relative dimness, 5.  She waited for the moment 6. To pass. 7. Then they saw the medieval 8.  Knights, whose armor 9.  Did not seem comfortable. 10. Would you like something 11.  To eat? 12. Yeah, indefinitely. 13.  She practiced hinging at the hips 14. To correct 15.  A historical inaccuracy, the 16. Hypermobility of the spine. 17. A man tipped his forehead on 18. A windowpane, next 19. Had difficulty finding words. 20. I still had these problems 21. With my alveoli, 22. She informed the doctor … 23. What else do you need to know? 24. He shrugged.